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PAs / Crew Members for your next production.
Streetlights’ mission is to advocate for social and economic equality by providing viable career pathways for under-served men and women who may not have a solid education base or stable work history. In particular, the organization will deliver job training, job placement and career advancement services to young adults who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color from marginalized communities, leading to well-paying careers behind-the-camera in Commercials, Television, Film and Streaming Media.

And the Oscar goes to...
Streetlights Graduate
Matthew A. Cherry!
Director Matthew A. Cherry won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film, Hair Love in 2020. He signed a deal with Warner Bros. to create an animated series based on this short film and in 2023. HBO Max launched Young Love. This hit show also received a Critics Choice nomination for Best Animated Series. Matt’s directing career continues, with stints on Abbot Elementary, Bel Air, The Wonder Years, Black· ish, Saved by the Bell, Whiskey Cavalier, The Unicorn, The Red Line, The Kings of Napa and many more.
Streetlights In the News
CBS Streetlights Promo

Streetlights Program Offers "Foot in the Door"
Nonprofit Streetlights Shows Hollywood That Diversity in All Levels of Showbiz Is Possible