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How do I hire a P.A. from Streetlights?

Call us at 323-850-3113
Tell us the dates required, type of P.A. (set, office, runner, art department, etc.), experience level and the rate of pay, etc. We will make verbal recommendations, fax you resumes, or set up interviews - it's your choice.  We can supply you with a P.A. best suited for your needs, from relatively new to very experienced.

Are there any fees associated with hiring a Streetlights P.A.?

Employers pay Streetlights P.A.s a daily/weekly rate like any other P.A.  Streetlights is not an agency: there are no agency fees, service charges or any other costs beyond what you normally pay your crew members.

Will the P.A. I hire have a car?

At the time of graduation, all P.A.s have cars, Automobile Club Cards, a drivers license, registration and car insurance. As with all your production assistants, we always suggest employers double check the current status of all documentation.

What do I do if the P.A. I hire isn't working out?

Fortunately, feedback tells us that a great majority of our graduates are some of the best employees on the crew, but Streetlights is dedicated to providing top quality P.A.s - if you are not satisfied with one of our graduates, please let us know immediately! We will address the situation in the most appropriate fashion, and we'll gladly send another P.A.


Streetlights removes from its roster any P.A. who is not living up to the expected performance level of the organization and the industry professional standard.

Who pays Streetlights P.A.s, and what's the going rate?

The Production is responsible for paying the P.A. They go on the Production's payroll and are a normal employee of the Production. We expect that they will be paid according to your budget and the P.A.'s experience. If you are interested in hiring a new P.A. at a low rate, we have new graduates available 3-4 times a year.

What qualifications do Streetlights P.A.s have?

All of our students complete a comprehensive 6 weeks
(240 hour training program) that includes 120 hours of actual "on-set" production experience and Office PA training. Many of our senior graduates have moved up into specific departments such as camera, editing, coordinating, etc.

How many P.A.s can Streetlights provide?

As many as you need, subject to availability. Streetlights has dozens of P.A.s on their roster. Though most of them are in high demand, we usually have a cache of P.A.s who are available on short notice.

Which Companies use Streetlights?

Check out our 'Recent Credits' section to see some of the companies that have hired Streetlights graduates.

How do I become a volunteer at Streetlights?

Contact us to let us know your schedule and interests. Our offices are open Monday - Friday from 9 AM until 6 PM. Volunteers help as guest teachers during classroom training, assist in the office with job development and fundraising activities, and put the word out to the industry recommending Streetlights' graduates to companies and productions. We also need volunteers to help with our annual celebration events, usually held in late fall.

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